Top 5 Chrome AdBlocker Extensions – Block All Intrusive and Pop up Ads

There can be no denying that the internet has become people’s favourite place of existing especially during the day. This wonderful provision can, however, become a very frustrating affair with popup ads. These ads can turn your favourite pastime to a not so favourable pastime.

This, however, can be solved through the use of ad block extensions. This can be applied if you are using the Chrome browser to access the internet. The following are five of the best ad block extensions which you can use on your chrome browser.

Inbuilt Chrome AdBlocker

If you did not know before, every chrome browser comes with an inbuilt ad blocker. Therefore, you can easily use this to solve your problems with unwanted ads. To enable this, all you would have to do is to open the site using the address bar in your chrome browser. When this site has opened, you would find a padlock which is green in colour close to the address bar. If you cannot find this, you can also look for the info button. When this has been found, click on it. Then, you should click on the website settings. While scrolling down, you would see a lot of features which would include “ads”. Look for the menu and click to disallow. You can also do the same thing if you wish to allow the ads to show on a particular website. This is the easiest way to get to block ads on chrome.

inbuilt chrome adblocker


If you are looking for the most popular chrome ad blocker, then the ad block for chrome would be your best option. The process of installation is not that difficult and you should have your ad-block ready for use in record time. The popularity and the credibility of this software can be seen in the fact that it has been downloaded by over a hundred thousand individuals. This is one method which can solve all your popup ads issues.

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This ad blocker proves to be very versatile as it can also be used for Firefox and Safari browser. However, if you plan on using this software, it is important to know that this software would only usable for ads that are acceptable. Acceptable ads simply refer to ads which are mostly used by websites who are interested in shoring up their revenue. The installation is pretty easy and not complex. You should be able to set it up in no time.


If you are looking for a way to block all ads which you get from social media platforms such as Facebook and YouTube, this is definitely the ad blocker for you. It offers its users which are about 3000 in number. You are guaranteed that all your ads coming from such sites would be blocked completely and utterly at all times. You do not have to worry about the installation process as it is fairly a straightforward process. This will ensure that you would find it easy to use your ad blocker.


One good thing about the adguard ad blocker is that it can be used for both chrome and Firefox. While the number of people who are using this software is not so much, it is a good ad blocker. One of its most unique features is its ability to block ads which are interstitial in nature. You can expect the process of setting this software up to be quite easy.

While the inbuilt chrome is the most stress-free method of getting your ads blocked, other ad blockers are also good to use. The joy of browsing the internet can be messed up with the constant appearing of ads regardless of their nature. This is why ad blockers are really essential. Therefore, using any of the above ads would be perfect to reduce the number of ads which you are forced to see every day. You can be assured that it would be worth your every breath.

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