{3 Methods}How to Block Websites on Android Chrome Browser?

Why do people want to block websites on Android Chrome browser? This question has 2 main reasons as some people feel frustrated when they get nonbeneficial notification from chrome. And the second reason is that people distracted to porn sites or adult sites, so to overcome from this addiction some people want to block these websites. I will show you how to block the websites on Android Chrome browser.

3 ways to Block Website on Android Chrome Browser

  1. Block websites by installing Block Site on Android.
  2. Change Google Settings for Chrome Browser.
  3. Famisafe app for Parental control.

First of all, I will give steps to block a website by using App (Block Site).

  • Go on Play Store and Download the App name as Block Site and install it on your Android Phone.
  • Open the Block Site App and you will see the interface as below shown in the image.
  • As you have seen the image given above, there is a plus icon (+) with green color, just tap on it.
  • You will see two sides, one is of Website blocking and second is of App blocking.
  • If you want to block a website so, add the website in a website side and if you want to block App do the same process which is done for the website.
  • Now to block a Website just click on Checkmark sign which is located at upper right corner.

If you want to unblock a website on Chrome, you can do it by opening the Block Site app and by taping on Delete icon.

Secondly, you can block a website by doing some normal Settings from Google. Here, are the Steps which will help you to block the website.

  • Open a Chrome browser in your Android phone and search for Google, you will have an interface like the image shown below.
  • You will have 6 option at the bottom, Click on Setting option.
  • Tap on the Search Settings.
  • In SafeSearch Filters select Filter explicit results and select do not autoplay video.
  • Now tap on Save option and click on OK, So this how you can block a website by making some settings from Google.

Lastly, you can use Famisafe App to block a website on your Android phone. Famisafe is a tool which will block websites. There are many features of Famisafe like, it blocks websites, you can also keep an eye on the browser history, it also provides recent sites which you have visited. To install a Famisafe App go on play store and install it. It is the best App for kids because this gives all the data or history which is search by kids, use this app and keep your children away from the inappropriate sites.

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So these solutions which will guide you to block websites on Android Chrome Browser and I am sure that these tricks will give you positive results.

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