How to fix “STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION” Chrome Error?

Well, Google Chrome is one of the best to browse the internet. To do activities such as reading articles, exploring knowledge, downloading something you need Google Chrome. Many users reported that when they try to open a web page they get an error message saying “Aw Snap! Something went wrong while displaying this webpage. Error code: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION”. Users think that what does this error message means and how to fix it. If you are one of them then stick with this article till the end.

This error message occurs on Chromium-based search engines such as Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. There is a number of causes or we can say reasons behind this error message. The most common causes are as follows.

  • The main cause of this error is the enabled Renderer Code Integrity feature on your system. For some time the chrome has disabled this feature but after some time it has enabled it on the user’s demand.
  • Not proper code management.
  • If you are using an old version of Chrome.
  • More advertisement and more extensions on chrome.

So, these were the most common causes of the Chrome error. Once you have read the causes then go on the below fixes to get rid of this error code.

Update Google Chrome

As I have told you that using an older version of Google Chrome causes several issues including the STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error code. You can fix it by updating Google Chrome to its latest version.

  1. Launch Google Chrome on your PC and tap on the three vertical dots from the upper right corner.
  2. From the open menu tap on the Help option.
  3. After this tap on the About Google Chrome option. Google Chrome updates
  4. Now you will have a page showing Google Chrome Update. If you will have an update then it will update it. If Google Chrome is up to date then you will see written: “Google Chrome is up to date”.Google Chrome updates

You can also launch this setting by entering chrome://settings in the Google Chrome address bar. If the Google Chrome is updated or you have updated then also error persists then go on the below other fixes.

Disable Chrome Extensions

As this error is caused due to mismanagement of code the extensions can be one of the main reasons for this error code. You can try to fix it by disabling all your chrome extensions as you don’t know which chrome extension is creating an error code. Make sure you won’t remove it you just have to disable it.

  1. At first launch Google Chrome on your PC.
  2. Tap on the three vertical dots to have a list of options. From it tap on the More tools option.  Tap on Extensions
  3. Now tap on the Extensions. By doing this on-screen you will have all extensions. Do the toggle off of all extensions.
  4. After this enable Chrome extension one by one so that you can find which extension is creating an error code.Disable and enable chrome Extensions

Once you get the problematic Chrome extension then remove it from your Chrome. To do it tap on the Remove button. As you have gone through all Chrome extensions you know which extensions you have and you don’t have. If you don’t have an Adblock extension then install it. This extension will block all the advertisements from the chrome web page.

Rename Chrome Executable File

Well, renaming Chrome.exe fixes the error code STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. By doing this many users have fixed this error message. This fix is only for Windows users not for Mac users. If you don’t know how to rename it then follow the steps below.

  1. Do right tap on the Chrome icon and then tap on the Open file location option.
  2. Now on the screen look for chrome Once you get it then rename it. You can give any name to it.

Once you are done with this then launch Google Chrome and try to open the website. If the chrome file data was a problem then now your Google Chrome should be back to normal.

Download Stable Google Chrome

Many users are using an unstable or canary version of Google Chrome. The Canary version of Google Chrome has the bleeding edge feature. This feature causes several issues on Google Chrome. This can be fixed by downloading a stable version of Google Chrome. You can do it by applying the below steps.

  1. First of all, launch the Run dialog box by holding the Windows key and R key.
  2. In it type Appwiz.cpl and hit on OK button.
  3. Now from the screen select Goggle Chrome and tap on the Uninstall option. This will remove the unstable or canary version of Google Chrome.
  4. From its official website download the stable version of Google Chrome. 

Now install it and check for the error code STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. 

Use alternatives of Google Chrome

If applying above all fixes you won’t get rid of the STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION chrome error then the best option is to use alternatives of Google Chrome to get your work done. You can use Chromium and Firefox in place of Google Chrome. On Firefox you can continue doing work as Firefox has a feature that it facilitates importing data from Google Chrome. The Chromium is exactly the same as Chrome. You can sign in with your Google Chrome account on Chromium. You can sync data on Chromium as same as Google Chrome.

I hope that by applying above all fixes you get rid of Chrome error. Using an alternative browser should be your last priority. First, try to fix the error code.

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