With a Windows 11 announcement, Microsoft also brought the new Microsoft Store. Since its launch with Windows 10, Microsoft is trying hard to build the best Microsoft Store for their users to download and install their favorite apps from one platform. Microsoft Store has strong guidelines on allowing various apps on their store but not this time as it has opened the gates for Win32, PWA, and UWB apps.
Currently, most of the apps on Windows are installed from the web. Sometimes non-authorized sources make Windows vulnerable to malware and viruses. Whereas, Microsoft Store makes it more convenient for users to download apps without viruses. However, app developers were not happy with the store not allowing their apps to get published on the store. Microsoft has taken this feedback seriously to maximum apps on their store.
A new Microsoft Store will be available for both Windows 11 and Windows 1o to let users enjoy apps, games, and movies on their platform. All the published files will be tested by a Microsoft compatibility program to keep us safe from harming the security.
Win32, PWA, and UWP Apps Support
A newer Microsoft Store version started accepting software and apps regardless of their framework and packages. Developers can publish all the Win32, .NET, PWB, Xamarin, UWP, Electron, React Native, and Java apps.
Currently, Win32 and PWB apps are in the most demand. Win32 is based on 32 bit Windows API which supports both 32 bit and 64 bit applications. Windows API is directly integrated with the Windows system with a graphical interface.
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) are really small size applications to get the web interface in the application format. These apps can be installed directly from the browser address bar when visiting a website. Such apps will also be brought to the Microsoft Store to directly install on our PC.
UWP stands for Universal Windows Platform that enables developers to create applications for their clients on WinRT APIs. It consists of advanced asynchronous features to asynchronously load data from the internet. These apps can be built on C++, C#, VB, JS and designed on HTML, DirectX, XAML, or WinUI.
Further apps can be updated by developers without Microsoft Store support. Even developers aren’t required to adopt the Microsoft payment gateway for in-app purchases.